Friday, July 2, 2010

Positive Thinking Dangerous? No Madam! ~ RSA Animate - Smile or Die

RSA Animate
"Smile or Die

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Positive Thinking Dangerous?
No Madam!

Barbara Ehrenreich the author of 'Smile or Die', was interviewed by Jeremy Paxman on newsnight tonite. The interview was to talk more about her controversial argument that Positive Thinking (PT) is dangerous. She based her argument on the two key points:

  • You are entitled to be angry after suffering a misfortune
  • PT is delusional
  • PT does not solve problems
  • That PT can make you accept blame that is not yours.

She wrote the book after being diagnosed with breast cancer. According to her, she was angry that she constantly told to see the positive side to her misfortune. This anger informed her decision to write the book.

Although I have not read the book, (and after her interview tonight, I have no intention to), but her 5 minutes interview is sufficient for me to comment on her book and opinion on positive thinking. I sympathise with her anger about the misfortune of cancer and I wish her quick recovery.

That said, it is clear that her opinion is coloured by her anger, and in that mode all logic and reason are out of the window. And surely had good scapegoat in positive thinking. May I attempt a correction of her obvious misconceptions?

  • Barbara, Positive Thinking does not guarantee a total escape from Mr Murphy of Murphy's law. It only promise that you will not be lying on your back for too long after the visit. You may suffer ill health, redundancy, financial difficulties etc, but with positive thinking you will find the silver lining that lays in the misfortune.
  • Positive Thinking encourages that after any misfortune, take a bit of time to gather your breath, then forge ahead and not be stuck where you are.
  • PT does not absolve you from danger, it reminds you of the hope that lies ahead.
  • I am tempted to agree with her that Positive Thinking is illusional, but unlike what she think, it is that quality that makes PT desirable. Anything that can dull the human pain in time of stress and misfortune is absolutely desirable. That is what placebos and pain relievers are all about, and these have been proven to work ninety percent of the time.
  • PT does not burden you with guilty conscience, it only encourages that you assess your contribution that your action or inaction has to play in the misfortune that befell you. And that is with a view to correct or avoid them as you move into the future.

Interestingly enough in answer to a question 'Don't you think that positive thinking is better than the other way in the face of adversity? Barbara answered, "I have not tried it yet". Maybe it is time that she did. For me there I will rather have positive thinking than the opposite.

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