Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ways to Achieve a High Web Ranking in Today's Market ~ Kanye West & Rihanna "Paranoid" (ft. Mr Hudson)

brought to you by: AHMTRAVEL.COM
By Hal Johnson

Looking up websites through Yahoo, Google, MSN etc., is the easiest thing, the difficult thing is to know how to get your website to be among those that are looked up on these search engines. To know where to begin is easily solved by going through these few tips. Old domains should not be redirected to new domains nor must you abandon old websites/domains while redesigning. Great emphasis is placed by search engines on the age of the domain. Moreover, changing from an old domain to a new one always means loss of traffic for weeks, months or more.

Not the search engine but the target audience has to form the base for the optimization of your site. All those who type in keywords in the search engine search box are your target audience. In order to identify your target audience specifically you can look at the demographic info online or visit various forums, sites and communities to hang out with your target audience and listen to their conservation to gain information for the use of your copywritting and research of keywords.

In your research of finding the optimal phrases, tools like Wordtracker or Google's Keyword Tool are useful. General keywords do not indicate what your site is all about and therefore must be avoided. For eg., 'Hotel' or 'vacation'. Various categories of keywords should be included in the navigation and architecture of your site. If you were selling toys then your site visitors should be able to search for products and services by specific age (toys for a 2 year old), by various types of toys (preschool, soft toys), material (wooden toys / battery operated toys)etc. The key to your keywords is categorization.

Search engines will not be able to search for your site or fill up forms for you or read your menus and javascripts. This does not mean that you cannot include them but along with that include HTML links on the main navigation of all the pages. These links must further link to the sites of top level pages from where they should be linked to individual services and products pages. The click-able portion on your website must never read 'click me.' Use this space to describe what they will find with graphic links and text, your visitors will appreciate this.

Alt attributes and anchor texts must use main keywords to describe everything about a page. The copy must be filled with keyword rich phrases that should also serve to help connect the site visitors emotionally. A lot of weight is placed on Title tags by search engines. In the Title tag, from the copy, keyword phrases must be included. This information, in the search engine will be seen in the click-able part. This part should combine an accurate reflection of the contents on the page with keyword phrases that are used for search.

The key to successful optimization campaigns on search engines is through linking of other sites to yours. Your site must provide high quality, useful information for other sites to want to link with you. While exchanging with other links do not link your site to lousy sites. Concentration must be on increasing traffic, conversion and sales on your site and not rankings. If you want to add new content, make sure it improves your site's usefulness but do not add irrelevant information for fluff.

Hal Johnson has been using classifieds online to help with SEO. Using free classified ads is necessary to broaden your site's reach.

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